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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Love, My Forever.

Kind of a Love Story.

Hi to all. Since my Blog is mostly about us Getting Married, Let me share with you some of our pics ( we have tons) so here's some of it. But First, just to give you a little story about us.. Nino and me, met back in 2005 if Im not mistaken around April 2005 in Marinduque during a party at there house. But anyway, then we met few times after finally We talked Aug 2005, asked me about my number and so on.. We started going out. First date at Robinson Galeria.
take note: I even bought a new top for my date!hahaha Date I call it, pero we just hang out and the rest is history how we got together. Never thought it would be as good as it is right now.



Till time came I had to go and be away from him. He never had second though on keeping our relationship. He's the one who keeps telling me to be positive and not to cry.


I would remember times I was so Home sick, He was thousand miles away and was so comforting.
Hes very supportive with my dreams and I don't realized it at times.

FT at KbyC

I might be a cliche that Long Distance will not work, But i guess, not for us. Love will find a way.


God will not give us a Prince right away, we have to kiss a frog before we finally see our Prince!;)

 We learned from each other. Our relationship is not as perfect as other would probably be. We get crazy at times but still never give with each other. So Thankful, I never felt like being away from him even were so far from each other. He makes me feel everything will be alright.



Nino and I are totally opposite individual. I would wonder sometimes How we jive and still beinlove, I guess negative and positive attracts!hehehe

Photo during our Ocular (he loved it)

and yes, On our 8th Year, we are getting Married in Church. I am not fan of Big Celebrations. But Wedding is different. Its once in a Lifetime and we waited a long time.

 I would Remember he would tell me everytime I leave and Cry to not be sad and stop crying coz everytime I leave means we get closer to the time We dont have to be apart.

God is Good!so near na!And yes, we will explore the world together. He's my friend, my travel buddy, kakontra, and my love!

One thing Im proud of him, Hes so simple!!

at Caleruega

At my Sister's wedding

Thanks for Reading!


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